Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Little Sunshine

After more than a week of rain, I woke this morning to find that the sun was shining.

I enjoyed a few hours (and a tasty lunch) with a couple of my Mommy friends and their sons. We chatted about many topics and had quite a few laughs. Our boys were rather spirited, but they also seemed to have a good time.

I would have never known either of these women had I not joined a mother's group. I discovered the group on-line and it appealed to me because it was for women who delivered children in 2008. We are a diverse group who are brought together by our children. It seems like we've all been friends for ages and now I can't imagine not having such close relationships.

Your family is expected to love you. But your friends are extra special because they choose to love you. I am very blessed because I have wonderful friends. I hope that I am as good a friend to them as they are to me.

My husband and my son are like air to me. And my friends are like sunshine. :)

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