Sunday, January 23, 2011

Prayers for a Friend's Baby

Thanks to Facebook, I've learned that a friend's little one has been in the hospital since yesterday.  We've been friends since the 9th grade and he has a lovely wife and two wonderful boys.  His youngest son is under one and he has to spend another night in CHOC.  The poor little guy has RSV and he's really having a hard time.

I can't imagine how frightened my friend and his wife must feel.  Oh, how my heart hurts for the entire family!  I'm asking you to please join me in praying for this little one's health to be restored quickly and for his parents to feel God's peaceful presence during this stressful time.  I know that God does hear our prayers and I hope to have a good update to report tomorrow. 

Give thanks and rejoice if your children are in good health and sleeping under your own roof tonight.

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