Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bento Bargain!

My friends and family know that I love bento-style lunches.  I've even blogged about my bento obsession at least once.  It doesn't matter if they are filled with traditional Japanese fare or not, it makes me giddy to see the tiny compartments filled with cute snacks.  Today our, admittedly American, bento lunch consisted of green salad, turkey sandwich, and yogurt.

A friend forwarded me a fantastic link and I want to share it with my readers.  See that Goodbyn in the Amazon link?  It is dishwasher-safe, comes with a water bottle, and doesn't have any small parts/lids to lose.  Would you be interested in purchasing one?

I bet you would if it were under $3, including shipping!  Click here for details and, yes, I ordered too!

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