Thursday, December 9, 2010

Somewhat Good News?

I began spotting again late last night and I e-mailed my OB to inquire about getting an appointment earlier than 12/27 or at least getting some follow up testing to gauge how this pregnancy is progressing.  He ordered urinalysis as well as several blood tests, most notably another HCG count.  I visited the lab first thing this morning and this is what I know: 

My hCG level was at 4,000 late last Sunday evening in the ER.  I am considered 6-weeks pregnant today and my HCG level is at 13,000.  According to everything I've read on-line, I'm reassured that my numbers are steadily increasing and within a "normal" range for this point of a pregnancy.

However, my OB sent me an e-mail message expressing mild concern at the number and indicated that he will fit me in for an appointment next Tuesday if I'd like one.  I'm not sure it's necessary, but I figure that he wouldn't offer to screw up his appointment schedule for no reason so I agreed to come in next Tuesday.

My husband thinks that my doctor is perfectly happy with the test results, but that my doctor has to do and say certain things in order to work within our insurance company's guidelines.  Apparently our insurance doesn't schedule a first OB appointment until 8-weeks gestation - unless there is a problem.  My husband feels that my OB knows that I'm worried and he wants to get me in to set my mind at ease, but the only way he can get me in is to report that he's concerned about the numbers.  Ordinarily, I'd say that there is no merit to this assertion, but this same OB did a similar rule-bending when it came time to deliver my son so there is a possibility that my husband is correct.

I don't know exactly what to think about the situation at this point, but I'm feeling a little better because I think it's somewhat good news from the lab.  If you know anything about hCG levels and pregnancy, what do you think?

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