Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Heart Overflows

I'll probably be away from my computer for about a week and thought I'd try to get some blogging done before I leave.  I'm going to experiment with setting my post options so that the posts automatically publish at set dates and times.

My heart has been poured out, totally emptied, with the unexpected death of my only brother.  And, just as quickly, it was been filled to overflowing. 

I spent a long time cuddled up with my Bible late last night.  Indeed, I was up until a little beyond 2:00 am.  Certain passages spoke to me, specifically the 22nd and 23rd Psalms and the book of Job. 

Christians will instantly recognize the anguished cry at the beginning of the 22nd Psalm.  My God, my God, why have you forsaken me was also on Jesus' lips while he suffered on the cross.  I certainly don't feel forsaken, but I do feel like I've been under constant attack this year.  I draw comfort from verse 24: 

For he has not despised or disdained
the suffering of the afflicted one;
he has not hidden his face from him
but has listened to his cry for help.

He does hear my cries.  He knows every tear that I have shed as well as every hair on my head.  I might not feel it, but I am held securely in His hands.  When I finally feel restored, I will thank Him and give Him praise for carrying me through these difficult times.  And I do not doubt for one moment that He is with me because He will never leave me nor forsake me.

He has already moved to help bring healing.  I have a group of friends. . .I would have said good friends, but they are the greatest friends, who have stepped up to help my family in the most wonderful way. 

I will be gone from home for nearly a week and I have to leave my husband and son at home.  This is the first time I've spent the night away from either of them and I'll be gone for nearly one week.  These wonderful friends have not only agreed to watch my son while my husband is at work, but they also will be giving meals to my family while I'm gone.  And, just like that, my heart is overflowing with love and appreciation.  I am filled with love and appreciation for the blessings that these friends are for my family everyday, but I am overwhelmed by the way they have come through in such a big way when I need their support the most.  I can never repay this kindness and generosity.  I'm so thankful that this remarkable group of women are a part of my life.

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